The Committee on Stochastic Programming is pleased to announce a Junior Researcher Best Paper Prize in Stochastic Programming, which will be given in recognition of the most outstanding paper(s) in stochastic programming authored by a junior researcher. The prize will be awarded at the 17th International Conference on Stochastic Programming (ICSP) to be held in Paris, July 28-August 1, 2025.
The prize committee consists of Andrzej Ruszczynski (Rutgers University), Siqian Shen (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor), and Wim van Ackooij (EDF-Lab Paris-Saclay, chair).
Each entry must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:
• The paper must present original research results and must have been published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed English language journal after January 1, 2022.
• All co-authors must have obtained their PhD in one of the seven calendar years preceding the year of the submission, that is after Jan 1, 2018. This period of seven years may be extended for personal reasons, such as parental leave or health issues. Requests for extensions need to be sent to the Junior Researcher Best Paper Prize Committee Chair accompanied by appropriate documentation. The Committee will decide if an extension is granted.
• The paper may not have won the SPS Best Student Paper Prize in previous years and may not be simultaneously considered for the Dupačová-Prékopa Best Student Paper Prize.
• The paper must not have won a previous SPS Junior Researcher Best Paper Prize.
• The entrants can be (co-)author(s) in at most one paper submitted to the competition.
Entrants must submit the following material by March 31, 2025:
• An electronic copy (PDF file) of the paper.
• The publication information for the work.
• Email addresses and phone numbers where the entrants can be contacted in the event the entrants are selected as finalists.
• A letter signed by all co-authors attesting that the eligibility conditions are met. In case an extension is requested, the letter should be accompanied by appropriate documentation, as discussed above.
The submitted papers will be judged on the following criteria:
• Magnitude of the contribution to the advancement of the field of stochastic programming.
• Originality of ideas and methods.
• Clarity and excellence of exposition.
Submissions must be sent to the committee chair at by March 31, 2025. If you do not receive a confirmation by April 7, please contact a committee member directly.
The prize committee will select the finalists at least two months before ICSP 2025. Once the decision is made, the committee will inform the finalists; those students are expected to attend ICSP 2025 and present their papers at a special “award” session. During the SPS Business Meeting, the prize committee will announce the winners.
For more information on the 17th International Conference on Stochastic Programming, please see here.
Andrzej Ruszczynski (Rutgers University)
Siqian Shen (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor),
Wim van Ackooij (EDF-Lab Paris-Saclay, Chair).